Text Analyzer - Word counter - Sentence counter
count total number of characters , words , sentences etc in a text content with our text analyzer tool.
Number of characters (including spaces): 0
Number of characters (without spaces): 0
Number of words: 0
Number of sentences: 0
Number of syllables: 0
Table of contents |
How to use text analyzer? |
How to use our Text Analyzer tool - it is a words, characters, sentence , syllables counter.
1. Enter your text content inside the textbox. This is the text in which you want to analyse and count its words characters and sentences.
2. After that click on analyse button.
3. After that you will see total number of characters in your text (with and without spaces). Total number of words , total number of sentences and total number of syllables in the text you have entered.
4. Click on clear to reset everything and you can start writing new text again and analyze it.